For my mobile studio I would like to create a bracelet that tracks ones daily encounters. The bracelet suggests that one does not necessarily need to intend to make art in order to do so. Art is created in the process of just living. This is a very post modern concept in that is suggests that everything is art, but it has particular relevance to the current trend of redefining art-making environments. In Sharon Butler's article she mentions how a studio space can become oppressive. One may feel a certain obligation to their studio that may even inhibit the creation of art. The goal of the bracelet is to create art without feeling this obligation. In existing one consequently creates art.
As I began to construct this bracelet out of foam I soon came to realise that although the bracelet encounters the world (banging into things and denting, brushing up against something and becoming dirty, etc.), the artists or person wearing the bracelet has minimal interaction with it. Yes, the bracelet will be over-sized and will have a definite presence that will not go ignored, however, the artist does not have a significant level of control over the art making process.
In an effort to address this lack of interaction, but also to preserve the original intent of the bracelet, which is to create a tracker or history of ones daily life through mark making, I decided to include an element from my specific art practice: binding wire. The binding wire is covered in a thin layer of soot which would also leave a mark on the bracelet if it were wrapped around the foam. Plus the wire would allow the artist to make objects out of wire and then press them into the bracelet to display them. I am still considering whether or not to include other materials as well, my dilemma is how to preserve the pristine outer surface of the bracelet so that the mark making will still take full effect.